Monday, October 17, 2016

April 2016 Meeting Minutes

Cincinnati Oblate Chapter Minutes April 24, 2016

Attendance: Susan Anderson, Mary Louise Reed, Peyton Reed, Nick McCarroll, Linda McCarroll, Karin Mendoza, Ron Lillie, Joan Hilton, Kathy Gloeckner, Beverly Winner, Linda Faulaber, Lori Wallhausser, Chris Wallhausser, Rosemary Conrad, Br. Francis, Pat Dorn, Clyde Dorn.

Reading of the Mission Statement and introductions opened our meeting.
Second Vespers of Week One was chanted together. During Vespers, Br. Francis received Karin Mendoza’s oblation as Oblate Scholastica.
Lectio Divina was shared using John 13: 31-33A, 34-35.

The Minutes of Feb. 28 were approved after two name corrections. Nick McCarroll said we have $42.00 and need $33.00 today to rebalance after $75.00 for monk travel today. New/Old Business:

The Ohio Oblate Day of Reflection is in Dayton on May 21. Susan sent greetings from Bob and Melinda Reickers whom she spent Holy Thursday with at St. Meinrad. Pat suggested we think about dues or free will offerings from non-attending Oblates to help cover expenses. Br. Francis explained more about the abbatial election in June and asked our prayers for this. Rosemary will make a reservation at Milford for the 2017 Ohio Day of Reflection.

Guest Speaker: Br. Francis Wagner, OSB: Incline the Ear of Your Heart. Br. Francis gave us a design from the first chapter room window of the Rule with quotes from the Rule Prologue: 1, Proverbs 4:20-21, and Mark 4:9. He also referred us to Fr. Eugene’s spring 2015 Oblate newsletter call of the heart article. For St. Benedict, obedience means to listen and respond to the will of God. Scripture and the Rule ask us to listen and consider who is my master and to redirect self as Jesus personifies listening for thirty years before three years of public speaking. Jesus calls us to listen to this same wisdom tradition of Deuteronomy and Proverbs. Br. Francis recommends two foundational practices for all prayer so that our prayer does not remain superficial. One: Private wordless prayer in tune with the Spirit with the attitude of receptivity like Mary at Jesus’ feet and like Ps. 85 “I will hear what God has to say.” Two: Lectio with slow frequent pauses to bring Scripture alive and active in our hearts. These two practices support each other and develop a reflective quality in life to see where God is in everyday occurrences.

Submitted by Susan Anderson

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